Friday, August 28, 2009

You Might Be A Socialist If…

You Might Be A Socialist If…
• You believe all people are equal, regardless of how hard they work.
• You believe your government owes you something, even though you’re not a retired government employee.
• You believe “there ought to be a law” to enforce some sort of moral or behavior that is not a national threat to lives.
• You believe the government should manage or otherwise regulate the financial well-being of individuals or corporations.
• You believe the government should control your physical and mental health by being a provider of such.
• You believe the government should choose the curriculum taught in public schools, and measure children against each other based on that curriculum.
• You believe the richest should be forced to support the poorest in the form of higher taxes.

The United States of America was founded to be OF the PEOPLE, FOR the PEOPLE, BY the PEOPLE. However when we weren’t negatively impacted, we let our elected officials do whatever they want. For generations now they have slowly but surely expanded the size of the government to control aspects of our lives that were never intended to be under government control. Taxes have gone up to pay for it, and now it seems we have a President who is hell-bent on being “the man” who will make the final step from being Capitalists, to Socialists. (By the way, the next step is Communist.)

The only sector right now not facing high unemployment is in the Government, and they’re hiring anybody and everybody they can get because they’re expanding so rapidly. Those that are protesting these changes are being called “un-American”, rednecks, and even racists. Simply for protesting against a change in our style of government. We might have voted for change, but I would hope that most of us didn’t expect to lose our way of life in exchange.

The simple nutshell fact of the matter is that the more the government gets a finger or toe-hold into our society, the less it becomes free, the less it rewards those who work or have worked hard, and the more it becomes Socialist, on it’s way to Communist. Whether or not it is the INTENTION of the current government to be socialist or communist, they are holding the door open and inviting it in by giving so much power to so few.

Today, thanks to stimulus packages, and plans to make things better for everyone, the government is controlling communications, transportation, financial, and soon to be medical, although they already have a finger or two there with Medicare/Medicaid, and most importantly, the FDA. Pray tell me what is left?

It came across the lake slowly in the night, caressing us in the midst of our dreams, and just when the morning broke, the misty fog silently, serenely, emotionlessly choked us into oblivion.

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